
I poster del Simposio di Tolosa

AForClimate ha partecipato al Simposio europeo “Adapting forests to climate change: methods, tools, and projects”, organizzato dal Progetto LIFE FORRECCAsT.

Rendiamo disponibili i poster dei due lavori esposti all’evento.

  • “A new approach for an adaptive forest management planning to improve resilience of beech forests in relation to climate change: The LIFE AForClimate project”

  • “Phenological monitoring to support sustainable Mediterranean beech planning for a resilient forest: Life AForClimate project”


18- LIFE FORRECCAsT Symphosium - Tolosa - Novembre 2019



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For more information about the project...

Who we are

The LIFE AForClimate project aims to provide concrete options to achieve solutions in forestry and forest planning  that are effective in adapting to climate change.  The objective is to adapt the management of the beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) to the variability of climate and its changes during time by programming forest management and interventions on the basis of climate cycles.


  • CREA Forestry and Wood - Viale Santa Margherita 80, Arezzo - Italy
  • +39 0575 353021

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