Molise region

Molise region

Local partners

The Molise Region is a public body subdivided into services with specific activities and purposes. This system enables efficient governance that provides for the development of social welfare, economy, infrastructure, and employment, and the protection of historical cultural heritage; it also supports local investments, research, and foreign trade. The Molise Region has structures formed by experts and staff with strong expertise in the management and implementation of international and European projects. The working group has multidisciplinary competence, skills, and know-how acquired through the implementation of projects either as a partner or as a Lead Partner. The Molise Region has a strong experience in participating in collaborative projects at European, national, and regional level; it participates in several projects funded by the EU as a project coordinator, work package coordinator, and project partner. The Molise Region has strong ability to communicate and spread the results of projects at the local, national, and transnational level. In particular, it has achieved significant experience in mobilizing local and regional actors such as politicians, associations, and the industrial sector for communication and awareness raising.

Responsible for the AForClimate Project

Nicolina Del Bianco –

For more information about the project...

Who we are

The LIFE AForClimate project aims to provide concrete options to achieve solutions in forestry and forest planning  that are effective in adapting to climate change.  The objective is to adapt the management of the beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) to the variability of climate and its changes during time by programming forest management and interventions on the basis of climate cycles.


  • CREA Forestry and Wood - Viale Santa Margherita 80, Arezzo - Italy
  • +39 0575 353021

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