Implementation actions
C1 - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - C6The implementation actions carried out by the project are the following:
- C1 / Application of different types of silvicultural interventions for forest production;
- C2 / Application of different types of silvicultural interventions for forest regeneration;
- C3 / Development of forest management guidelines through the creation of a national technical panel with stakeholders in relation to the topics of Climate Change;
- C4 / Application of the guidelines through a Prototype of DSS for forest planning and management;
- C5 / Application of planning models in the forest management prototype.
- C6 / Plan for the transfer of results and project protocols.
Demonstrative silvicultural interventions will be applied on a total of 78 hectares within the framework of the Implementation Actions. They are divided as follows:
- 72 hectares of thinning with two different intensities in 4 different climatic zones;
- 6 hectares of regeneration cuts for seeding.
As part of these actions, more than 1,400 hectares of adaptive forest planning will be implemented in all the beech forests of the project. Thus, the project's principles will be applied to 700 hectares in Tuscany, 400 hectares in Molise and 300 hectares in Sicily.
Finally, the stakeholders will be involved in a technical table to discuss and define guidelines for settlement; a decision support system will also be implemented to replicate the experience of AForClimate in other contexts.
Also a plan for the transfer of results and project protocols at different geographical level (Local, National, Pan-European) will be realized.