DREAm Italia

DREAm Italia

Technical responsible partner

DREAM is a cooperative society formed by workers specialized in forestry, nature, and environment. It was established in 1978 and since then it has carried out important experiences in forest planning in Tuscany; it has also delivered projects throughout Italy. The activities are always aimed at sustainable management addressing areas related to rural development, nature conservation, prevention of environmental disasters and the protection of the landscape.

Currently, it counts 40 members who are graduated in forestry, geologic, and naturalistic disciplines and 30 collaborators. Over years DREAM has developed relevant skills and expertise in the field of conservation of species and habitat of Community interest and in proposing conservation projects through the preparation of LIFE projects and the implementation of management plans for Sites of Community Interest.

Responsible for the AForClimate Project

Marcello Miozzo - miozzo@dream-italia.it

For more information about the project...

Who we are

The LIFE AForClimate project aims to provide concrete options to achieve solutions in forestry and forest planning  that are effective in adapting to climate change.  The objective is to adapt the management of the beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) to the variability of climate and its changes during time by programming forest management and interventions on the basis of climate cycles.


  • CREA Forestry and Wood - Viale Santa Margherita 80, Arezzo - Italy
  • +39 0575 353021
  • info@aforclimate.eu

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